All Buckeye Real Estate Residents Agree and Understand:
- The pass expires when your lease expires.
- ONLY ONE PERMIT will be issued, replacement permits are not available for lost or stolen passes.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that your pass is properly displayed ANY TIME your vehicle is in the lot. Specific vehicle information is NOT given to the tow company. The pass MUST be fully displayed.
- Lots are checked by a private tow firm and they are authorized to tow all improperly or illegally parked cars and any vehicle that does not have a pass properly displayed.
- The numbered permit is for the properly registered vehicle and/or apartment unit only.
- All open lot parking spaces are on a first come-first served basis, parking is NOT guaranteed.
- Registered vehicles must use only one parking space. Residents may use only normal ingress and egress routes and refrain from parking on any lawn areas. Any reckless operation, such as speeding, squealing tires or brakes, throwing gravel or noisy operation of vehicle will result in loss of parking privileges, cancellation of permit rights, and immediate towing.
- Parking in lots not assigned to permit will result in car being towed and loss of parking privileges.
- There may or may not be snow or ice removal, at manager’s discretion.
- Any inoperable, unlicensed, or apparently abandoned vehicles will be removed from lot at the owner’s expense. There are to be no repairs or fluid changes done to vehicles on the lot(s).
- Parking is done at vehicle owner’s risk. The property owner/manager is held harmless from any and all damages resulting from use of the lot.
- Residents may not block exits, fire lanes, aisles, dumpsters, or other cars; doing so will result in loss of parking privileges and being towed at car owner’s expense.
- If your vehicle is towed, you must contact Hound Dog Towing at 614-462-0729, Buckeye Real Estate cannot get your car out of tow.
- These guidelines have been made available to our residents to keep you informed of the correct parking procedures. Many common parking concerns may be answered by referring back to these guidelines. Should you have additional questions regarding your rights and responsibilities as a registered vehicle owner, please contact our office at 614-294-5511.
- Failure to comply with all parking guidelines set forth by Buckeye Real Estate and/or any misuse of the parking pass will result in revocation of parking privileges without refund.